COMING SOON early 2025
We are excited to add Hydrotherapy here at Thrive Animal Rehab!
Introducing the Oasis Pro, an underwater treadmill for dogs of all sizes – & cats, too! We utilize the UWTM to build strength and retrain gait, to accelerate healing after surgery, as a weight loss program through cardio and resistance training and so much more! Additionally, hydrotherapy provides a safe, controlled environment to exercise when your pet is recovering from surgery with instructions for restricted activity.

How does an UWTM work? What if my pet doesn’t to swim?
An underwater treadmill is a self-contained unit allowing for buoyancy and resistance training while walking on a treadmill submerged in 80 – 84 degree water. The dog (and even some cats) walks into the dry treadmill unit with the therapist, afterwhich the door is closed behind and water enters the chamber to the desired depth and buoyancy. After the session, the water is drained and we towel dry your pet.
Why does walking in water help my pet?
This state-of-the-art “Low impact, high resistance” exercise therapy utilizes the following principles to encourage a normal gait in our patients.
- Buoyancy: reduces the amount of weight your pet must support when walking (less stress of healing bones/joints and less stress on arthritic joints). While a person can be asked to bear weight on a post surgical limb, a dog or a cat will compensate in order to avoid pain – reduced weight bearing makes it easier to Distribute weight more equally
- Resistance: increases workload for improved muscle building/strengthening and helps with weight loss by burning more calories.
- Temperature & Hydrostatic Press: warm water helps circulation and keeps muscles warm during exercise, while helping with blood flow and reducing swelling
While a person can be asked to bear weight on a post-surgical or painful limb(s), a dog or a cat will compensate in order to avoid pain – often resulting in offweighting or disuse resulting in atrophy. The principles above help your pet shift back to a more normal weight distribution on all legs and gain confidence in the “injured” leg while strengthening.

What conditions/diseases can be treated with UWTM sessions
- Osteoarthritis management and other Orthopedic conditions
- Post-operative reconditioning, strengthening and endurance
- Neurologic disabilities – can be used for conservative disease/condition management or for post-operative care
- Obesity and Weight-loss programs
- Conditioning for pets, sporting dogs, and working dogs.
Including but not limited to
- Cranial Cruciate Ligament Repairs (TPLO, TTA, Lateral Suture Extracapsular repair)
- Medial or Lateral Patellar Luxation Repair
- Elbow and Shoulder Arthroscopies
- Hip (Femoral Head Ostectomy, Hip Luxation management, Total Hip Replacements, Hip dysplasia)
- Neurologic surgeries of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine